What You Can Do 

As we fight to make a difference in these kid’s lives, this is where YOU come in. We have identified the main hindrances to kids being able to go to and staying in school in Rwandan villages. Help us make a difference and get kids into school.

  • Primary Education for One Year - $95

    The number one way to break the cycle of poverty, is to provide a child with an education. $85 pays for an entire school year, as well as the mandatory uniform, for a primary school aged child in Rwanda who does not have the means to attend.

  • Secondary Education for One Year- $170

    The number one way to break the cycle of poverty, is to provide a child with an education. $160 pays for an entire school year, as well as the mandatory uniform, for a secondary school aged child in Rwanda who cannot afford it. Secondary education not only provides a child with a greater education, but also makes them vocation ready.

  • Fabric for Clothes- $15

    $15 provides the needed fabric to ensure that a student receives new, clean clothes that fit them, as well as providing an income and a job to our students in our seamstress school. It helps to bless two individuals!

  • School Supplies for One Child- $6

    Provide a child with the opportunity to study and enhance their education with necessary school supplies.

  • Closed Toed Shoes for One Child- $15

    Kids walk up to four hours a day as they travel to school, the water wells, and the market. They are in need of closed toed shoes to continue making these long and challenging journeys.

  • Feminine Hygiene Products- $5

    Due to a lack of feminine hygiene products, young girls often miss large amounts of school every month. If they cannot keep up with their schooling, they will drop out. Feminine hygiene products allow these young women to continue going to school every month.

  • New House for a Student- $800

    Families of multiple children live in mud shacks that are in shambles and falling apart. Help provide a new house and roof to a family, and change their lives sustainably for the years to come.

  • Medical Insurance for a Child- $7

    Malaria, malnutrition, and water related diseases all run rampant in Rwanda, and yet can all be easily avoided by medical insurance. $5 medical insurance provides the life saving treatment that these kids so desperately need.

  • Food Fund for Orphans- Open

    A majority of kids in Rwanda who cannot afford to go to school are either orphans or abandoned kids. Churches and older women in the community will take these kids in, but need funds in order to provide food to the children as they work to receive an education.

How Will You Make an Impact Today?
